
June 24, 2018

Top 10 Largest Wheat Producing Countries In The World

10 Largest Wheat Producing Countries In The World

Wheat, is the main food of our world. Looking at the nutritional benefits of wheat, it is safe to say that wheat is actually eaten the highest in the world. Knowing that wheat is part of the main diet, it is most obvious that in every country, at least wheat should be produced so that its population is needed. Given that our geography is so diverse, it is also expected to produce various wheat. However, thanks to global diplomacy and many global institutions which have set rules for import and export of wheat, it is safe to say that each country gets its own share of wheat and hence.
Let us talk about the list of top 10 wheat growing countries in the world.
Largest Wheat Producing

1. China

Approximately 125.6 million metric tons, which is 20% of the world's total production, China is number one. Produces the world's largest wheat, cultivates it on plain land, on the face river valleys and the Loyang plateau and in the Jiangsu and Sichuan provinces. Along with being the number one wheat producer, it is true that what people say about China's land.

2. India

India is the second wheat producer. The weather condition in India is very suitable for the development and harvest of major crops like wheat and paddy. According to a recent year, India has been able to produce about 95 metric tonnes of wheat in recent years. It is pertinent to mention that India has achieved this number in spite of the many challenges faced by its farmers.

3. United States of America

With around 62 metric tons of wheat production, we have the United States at third place. In the United States, geographical versatility is the result of which is known to produce more wheat in the United States. In addition to wheat, grains in America are the second largest major crop. In the early days, the country received huge financial support from the export of wheat and cereals.

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4. Russia

A major portion of Russia's economy is based on wheat exports, which is why Russia has taken appropriate steps to improve the farming by reducing waste and increasing productivity. The country has invested in many modern new technologies and scientifically fertilizers, which have clearly increased their crop production. In the last years, the country has produced 56 million metric tons and it has been estimated that the number will increase.

5. France

Apart from the idea of ​​other people, the French economy relies entirely on making agriculture and wine, and not alone tourism. It is the largest wheat producer in the entire European continent, considering the fact that France has the most appropriate conditions. It is only due to modern technologies that France is capable of producing 40 million metric tons of wheat every year. Most of its production is exported to nearby European countries.

6. Australia

As Australia, 30 million metric tons is very low in production for a large country. Nevertheless, a substantial part of Australia's economy is enough to contribute. According to a recent report, maximum wheat is produced in the western region of the country, in which there is a more competitive weather condition compared to the rest of the country. Since it is of equal importance to other crops, wheat is produced in a controlled manner rather than production in bulk quantity.

7. Canada

Proceeding with 27 million metric tons in Canada Canada is blessed with a great soil and temperature condition, which is an ideal place to produce wheat. If we talk about revenues, which Canada does with its international alliance, then it is wheat which has maximum contribution. However, farming here is not the only main meal.

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8. Pakistan

Since Pakistan has a great geographical situation, it is safe to say that Pakistan is one of the 10 largest wheat producers in the world. For a weak economy in the form of Pakistan, there is lot of support and support for maintaining balance of wheat and fulfilling the end. Pakistan produced about 24 million metric tonnes of wheat last year. Punjab province, which occupied Pakistan, is the leading producer of wheat in this country.

9. Germany

When we talk about Germany, automobile and weapons manufacturing, it comes to our mind. However, although agriculture is a small part of its economy, Germany has taken several steps to improve the conditions and has produced 22.5 million metric tonnes of crops in recent years. It is expected that Germany will increase its production in the coming years, however, this stable production is enough to serve its country and to distribute a little in the neighboring countries.

10. Turkey

Agriculture is the largest part of this tropical country. Here the bulk of the total land area in Turkey is involved in agriculture. Wheat, therefore, is one of the most important crops grown here. It has produced record production of 21 million metric tons in recent years and has exported wheat worldwide. Since wheat does not require the amount of water or high humidity, therefore weather and soil conditions are very favorable in Turkey.